il tasto che rivela il segnale!!
Una rara immagine di Guglielmo Marconi (secondo da sinistra) in divisa da ufficiale della Regia Marina, a Washington nel 1917. Al centro, il capodelegazione Ferdinando di Savoia (terzo da sinistra) e Francesco Saverio Nitti.( da wikipedia)
Photo : Let's face it. Radio wouldn't have been "RADIO" without these guys. Center is Guglielmo Marconi. Left is Owen Young, board chairman of RCA, on the right is Ed Nally Jr., president of RCA. Owen Young, originally from GE, was instrumental in forming RCA from GE radio assets and with the acquisition of American Marconi in 1919. Ed Nally Jr. was former vice president of American Marconi and became the new president of RCA. RCA was officially created in November, 1919. This photo was taken on board Marconi's yacht, the "Elettra." photo: Radio Journal, Sept. 1922
radio in Maremma, riforma agraria 1951